Elektrum Estonia electricity packets
Choose the most suitable packet for yourself
*Fixed price per quarter
*Home assistance insurance included in the monthly fee
*No termination fee
Monthly fee: 3.56 €
Price: 14.64 s/kWh
*Fixed price, single tariff
*Fixed-term contract
*This is the package for you if you want to keep the size of your bills under control
Monthly fee: 1.88 €
Price starting from: 11.46 s/kWh
*Nord Pool hour based price
*Easy contract prolongation process
Monthly fee: 0 €
Stockprice + marginal: 0,67 s/kWh
*Fixed price packet
*6 - 36 - monthly contract, no termination fee
*Dual tariffs mean the prices you pay are fixed for the entire term of your contract.
Monthly fee: 1.88 €
Day price starting from: 13.18 s/kWh
Night price starting from: 9.74 s/kWh
*Powered by Green
*Fixed price packet
*Temporary contract, no termination fee.
*Single tariff
Monthly fee: 4.01 €
Price starting from: 11.46 s/kWh